This resource is adapted from Alison Flynn and Jeremy Kerr’s Remote teaching: a practical guide with tools, tips, and techniques. We gratefully acknowledge their work and those contributed to and reviewed this guide, including Dean Louis Barriault, Vice-Dean Academic Alain St-Amant, Department Chairs David Bryce, James Harden, Paul-Eugène Parent, and David Schneider, students, staff, and faculty.
We also sincerely thank all the educators and institutions who chose to make their work openly available so that we might use it in this guide, with credit to that work when it is cited.
Additional resources were pulled from a variety of other OERs, including Humber College’s 10 Step Design Process, Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s “Keep Teaching” website, our own Learning Design and Innovation department resources (blogs, courses, wikis) and other openly licensed content.