Where to find help and advice

Educational Technology Support Service

The Learning Technology and Innovation Team provides support for Moodle and other learning technologies. For Moodle inquiries email moodlesupport@tru.ca and for all other inquiries email learningtech@tru.ca

Faculty learning technology support is also available through the Support for Alternate Modes of Delivery Moodle course. Check the course or Educational Technology website for office hours.

Learning Design Support

If you have questions related to the design of your course or want any feedback on aspects, the Instructional Designers at Open Learning are also available for individual or group consultation. You may find us assisting in the Moodle Drop in sessions or can reach out by emailing learningdesign@tru.ca and one of us will respond to you as soon as we are able.

Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) is also available at celt@tru.ca. They also have resources in their Facilitating Learning in Moodle course.

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